Founded in 1562, University of Sassari (UNISS) has its main headquarters in Sassari and has also established courses in Alghero, Olbia, Nuoro, and Oristano, with a student population of approximately 13,000. With its 10 departments and over 650 professors from universities across Italy, the University of Sassari provides both in-person and distance education (e-learning and teledidactics) in humanities and sciences. The educational offerings are broad and diverse, including bachelor's degrees, master's degrees (including two international programs), postgraduate courses, specialized schools, and research doctorate programs. The university boasts over 40 interdisciplinary research centers and 12 libraries. It has cooperative relationships with approximately 500 universities participating in the Erasmus Program.

Role in the project

UNISS will be WP Leader in WP6 (Process experiments). The Objectives of this WP will be to assist and validate the modelling activities identified in WPs 1-5 through a continuous interchange of information. The experimental data gathered in WP6 will be also exploited in LCA analysis and to assess safety and sustainability issues (WP12), and in prototype preparation (WP11). All results will be available to stakeholders and be object of publications (WPs 13 and 14). Specific objectives include the set-up and optimization of: 1) removal or modification of lignin of selected wood; 2) infiltration of suitable monomers or polymers at low conversion; 3) in situ polymerization; 4) characterization of the resulting composite materials.
As regards WP9 (Modelling toward Safe and Sustainable by Design polymers and chemicals) UNISS will be task leader in T9.1 Use of modelling for the selection of sustainable monomers, polymers and chemicals and T9.2 Biopolymer blending, copolymerization, and grafting.
As regards WP10 (Modelling toward Safe and Sustainable by Design biocomposites) UNISS will be task leader in T10.4 Transparent Wood nanocomposites.
Finally, for WP13 (Dissemination, communication and exploitation) UNISS will be responsible for the web site project (T13.1).