VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is a state owned and controlled non-profit limited liability Research and Technology organization. Sustainability of products and materials is one of the main VTT’s research focuses. VTT has gained substantial experience from participation and coordination of numerous European projects and is ranked among the leading European RTOs. Recently, VTT has developed ProperTune®, a numerical toolset for multiscale modelling of materials whose tools have been successfully used for development of various materials, spanning from metals to polymers, wood, and bio-composites. In addition, VTT has also developed Modelling Factory (VTT MF), a publication and integration platform for simulation models, their user interfaces and application programming interfaces.
Role in the project
In AI-TRANSPWOOD project, VTT is Project Coordinator (management activities in WP16 and 17) and will combine different experimental and computational technologies, produce information, upgrade technology knowledge, and create business intelligence.
Some of the VTT ProperTune® hygro-thermal modelling tools will be further developed for transparent wood (TW) in WP2 in collaboration with partner TU Wien. The collaboration with TU Wien is already on-going within the WaterInWood project coordinated by VTT and funded by the Academy of Finland. The material modelling work will be supported by Diffusion Vapour Sorption measurements at VTT to be carried out in WP3.
Furthermore, VTT will lead the process modelling activities in WP4 supported by the experiments carried out at UNISS (WP6) and KTH (WP1) and will collaborate with partner KTH for the TW modelling at the atomistic scale (WP5). VTT’s infrastructures for industrial chemical processes will be used to develop functional coating in WP10.
By leading also the WP12 on Safe-and-Sustainable by Design (SSbD) concept, LCA and circularity of TW, VTT will create a user-friendly LCA tool within the VTT MF environment in collaboration with all scientific and industrial partners. The tool will be capable of taking LCA workflow integratable inputs from the materials performance models & databases and returning predictions (e.g. carbon footprints), integrable into the optimization workflows. VTT will also collaborate with partner Aalto on the AI/ML models and with associate partner EPFL-CECAM and the other partners involved in modelling for the sharing of computational tools in EESSI, the European Environment for Scientific Software Installations.